Dizziness, vertigo and disequilibrium some of the most common complaints that bring patients in to see their doctors. Unfortunately, they are often inappropriately described, leading to the physician making
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Insurance Billing

Patients who are undergoing treatment due to a motor vehicle accident can meet with our friendly staff to assist with accident benefit packages, as well as provide direct billing
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Core strengthening with physiotherapy

Physiotherapists are known as movement specialists. It is key to learn proper biomechanics and to ensure your posture and alignment are correct in order to minimize the risk of
Putting your best foot forward! post thumbnail

Putting your best foot forward!

Looking down, we see the foot. It is a sensationally structured mobile arch , similar to a Roman bridge, which connects the bottom of the semi-rigid leg to the
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Disc Decompression Therapy (DST)

We are proud to offer Spinal Disc Decompression Therapy (DTS) at Prosia Total Health for over 8 years. Research suggests that for 8 out of 10 people DTS can
When Plantar Fasciitis does not go away… post thumbnail

When Plantar Fasciitis does not go away…

Heel pain is commonly caused by plantar fasciitis, and treated successfully with physiotherapy. But there are times when despite stretching, night splints, manual techniques, orthotics and laser the pain